Application Form Next Season Application Deadline: 15 March 2025, end of the day in your timezone. Name and Surname *Your Email *Your Country *Date of Birth *Main Age Category *Piano Prodigy (<9 years old)Piano Junior (10-13 years old)Piano Senior (14-19 years old)Piano Master (>20 years old)Amateur (no formal musical education, no age limit)Indicate by participant's age by the current deadline date.Expert CategoryBaroqueClassical PeriodRomantic MusicImpressionism20th Century21st CenturyEtudeSonata/SonatinaConcertoToccataBachChopinLisztHaydnMozartBeethovenSchubertSchumannBrahmsRachmaninovProkofievOwn CompositionParticipation in the additional category is 30 €.FeedbackI want to receive a feedback message from the Jury (+30€)Application Fee in EUREURWould you like to receive a PDF diploma for your Teacher?Teacher's Name and Surname *Full name that will appear on the DiplomaPhoto of the participant *Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileArtistic Biography *Competition programme: *Links to the video(s) *Yes, I agree with the Regulations of the International Piano Competition Ad LibitumClick to see the RegulationsAfter clicking "SUBMIT" you will be redirected to a secure payment platform (Stripe) so that you can pay the application fee. SUBMIT